Captain Marvel #29: Original Art, Story Page 14 - Jim Starlin, 1973
Jim Starlin's THE DEATH OF CAPTAIN MARVEL is generally considered to be a creative milestone in the Bronze Age of American comic-books. Not only hinting towards a darkness that would define the art-form in the 1980's but also conceiving THANOS and THE INFINITY GAUNTLET that would latterly be a key components in the success of the MCU.
Jim Starlin enjoyed success as both a writer and artist of comic-books. He credits legendary artists Jack Kirby and Steve Ditko as major influences to his illustration style which is apparent in his early works. For over 40 years he's been known for his space opera-esque stories where he created popular characters such as THANOS, DRAX and GAMORA. His most notable works include IRON MAN, ADAM WARLOCK and THE INFINITY GAUNTLET.
This wonderful piece of original artwork by Jim Starlin includes a quarter-splash of THANOS himself, and so is not only an exemplary piece from one of the most important artistic eras, but also an early appearance from one of the most popular fictional characters of the 21st Century.